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It can often be tricky to find an up to date comprehensive list of schools available , universities and colleges offering courses that specifically focus in on film in New Zealand. So I have put together a list of the places that offer these courses. Feel free to put your experience at these institutes in the comments below.

Directory of Film Schools based in New Zealand

  1. Ara Institute of Canterbury
  2. ATMC New Zealand
  3. Auckland University of Technology
  4. Massey University
  5. Media Design School
  6. Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology
  7. SAE Institute
  8. South Seas Film & Television School
  9. Southern Institute of Technology
  10. The New Zealand Film & Television School
  11. Unitec
  12. University of Auckland
  13. University of Canterbury
  14. University of Otago
  15. University of Waikato
  16. Victoria University of Wellington
  17. Whitecliffe College of Arts & Design
  18. Whitireia Community Polytechnic
  19. Yoobee Colleges 

Why not add some extra reading to your list with these 5 Great Film making books before yout get there.