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Whilst studying the art of editing.. you soon realise that there is a vast pool of post production knowledge out there that is often overlooked. The knowledge can be skimmed past in the blink of an eye!!

A Perspective on Film Editing

The Walter Murch book – In the Blink of an Eye on editing more notably film editing is truly a gem to behold.

this book is a fantastic piece of literature and any doted and aspiring editor needs to read this. From traditional cutting on film to the use of the modern non-linear editing systems, this book covers the core fundamental skills one requires to not only just edit but edit purposefully.

This book goes into detail the reason behind cuts. Pacing, timing, mood and context all give an editor or film storyteller an arsenal of creative solutions to everyday film making problems. It addresses problems of continuity, story momentum, and gives highlights to editing as a way of creating character depth that is hard to replicate elsewhere.

it desribes the art of editing in a way that is simplified and makes sense. In film, post production editing can make or break your film.
Notable New Zealand director Sir Peter Jackson has often reiterated that this is his favourite part of making any film and that this is where the movie takes shape and  comes to life.

Film editing is almost something everybody can do at a simple level and enjoy it, but to take it to a higher level requires the same dedication and persistence that any art form does

Walter murch