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Choosing the right Film masterclass

Given the share volume of quality content available online now and the striking glow of online education providers, i figured i’d look further into some great sources of film vaults of knowledge. Although one source is not specifically dedicated to film expertise the courses nonetheless are great.

Masterclass is an online platform that offers classes taught by experts across a range of fields like writing, music, business, and of course film. They include a series of videos that are pre-recorded lessons designed for people wanting to learn new skills, gain knowledge and learn from their respected teachers on a range of topics. learners can subscribe to the platform to access all the courses.

Five of the courses i liked in particular were the ones featuring the following film Masters.

James Cameron


Spike Lee


Martin Scorsese


Ron Howard


David Lynch


The great thing about the masterclasses is that they have guides or documentation to accompany the course material so you can read and watch along with the course notes. I was a bit skeptical about doing video courses and course material just in this way, but was pleasantly surprised about the experience. Every single course is presented in the creators own unique way giving that extra spin even on sometimes similar topics.

Applicable and Useful?

All courses of course are different. Some of the film makers go into in depth guides about the films they have made or worked on, the camera techniques used, the road blocks or hiccups new comers might face, and they also cover in some cases camera blocking from a live set or give detailed examples of real life practical advice, that is actually really helpful.

In practical terms it can add those extra touches of experience from real world examples of functioning sets, story boarding and down to minute details that make each and every film maker unique. Thoroughly worth doing if there is a particular film maker that you are drawn to.

Some of the key takeaways and highlights from these 5 courses i got were.

  • Respecting your fellow crew members unique abilities and traits in their respective fields.
  • Everyone is always learning no matter what field they are in, no matter how long they have specialised in their craft so help each other to your best of your ability.
  • Never ever stop learning. Take the initiative, take a leap of faith and never give up.
  • Be a knowledge sponge and absorb as much quality and useful material, from books, videos, colleagues, and experiences as you can you never know when they may come in handy.
  • Establish a reliable connection and network of people to work alongside, be respectful, stay positive, and work hard.

Despite the price i thoroughly enjoyed each course and would recommend film lovers do the same. I hope you enjoy the courses as much as i did.

If you enjoyed this article or let us know if you liked these courses or suggest another course that would be helpful to our readers in the comments below!